ANTHONY: Good morning!
CROWD: Good morning!
ANTHONY: How is everyone feeling?
CROWD: Good.
ANTHONY: Great! So, I'm Anthony DeSousa.
JACQUIE: And I'm Jacquie Edwards.
ANTHONY: And we just wanted to share with you today our journey from where we built our property foundations on. You're going to hear quite a few people speak about some amazing journeys and it's really great to share and we're hoping that we'll be able to give you a bit of a different view and perspective on things. So, who thought, by a quick show of hands, that this year was just going to be about property? And who thought it was going to be one of the most amazing personal development years of our lives?
JACQUIE: And who just didn't know what to expect? Yeah, me either.
ANTHONY: So what we're going to share with you today, is a bit of our reason why. So, why property and why we did the strategies that we did, what we learned about the environment along the way, and then a few hints and tips that make what you're doing a bit easier. We'd really like to thank Simon for inviting us up to be here today, it's really an honor to be able to stand before you. We'd like to actually also thank everybody in the room that's helped us to be up here today, we wouldn't be able to do it without you. So, thank you very much.
JACQUIE: We're going to start with a little bit of background about us. I was an accountant for ten years, I worked with one of the big four accounting firms and that's actually what brought me over to the UK to start with. From there, I switched to freelance accounting, but I felt like something was missing. It was a really great job, but I was sitting at someone else's office every day. It was kind of like being in a car when you get into that trance on the way home. So you get into the car to drive home and the next thing you realize, you're at home but you don't remember how you got there or any of the details. When I look back at the last few years of my life, that's what it was like. I sat and wondered, "How did I get here?" And I knew it was time for a change.
ANTHONY: For me, I joined a small technology starter company as Person Number Three. I think there's a Google book titled something like that. "Person Number Four," or something. I've been lucky enough over the last nine years to grow it up to 50 people. I absolutely love what I do, which is a bit of a different story to some. Absolutely love what I do, but it takes a lot of time, it's more than a full-time job and I wanted to look for a way to start getting my time back. So we decided to start looking at options to do that, we thought that property would be a good one and I decided to commit to our education.
JACQUIE: We didn't have a lot of money at the time and we didn't have any property yet, so we needed to a bit of research. Of course, I read Simon's book, "Property Magic" and then I went to the Oxford pin meeting, where anybody that's met Judy Barlow knows how motivating and inspiring she is. So, within a couple of months, we had signed up for the three day Mastermind Accelerated Programme.
ANTHONY: So, that's a bit about us. Now for our reason why, so the first thing that we learned on Accelerator was you need a really big reason why. Your reason why acts as your compass, so when you're trying to be there making those decisions, it keeps you going in the right direction. As Stephen Covey said, "Begin with the end in mind." If you're not sure where you're trying to get to, not only can the journey be a bit rocky and bumpy, you can end up in completely the wrong direction. So the very first thing that we learned was one of the most valuable lessons, what's your why, where are you trying to get to?
For me, my big reason why was to get some of my time back to spend with my friends and family doing the things that really mattered.
JACQUIE: And a lot of that was hopefully spending a bit more time with me. The only times we get to spend a lot of time together is at these property events. I take him to lots. For me, it was a lot about the holidays. I really love to travel and especially if I get to go home and visit friends and family. I don't know if you can see the other one up there, the alpacas, that's one of our goals because we're going to have an alpaca farm.
ANTHONY: Just 'cause they're really fluffy.
Okay, so the start of our journey was in June 2013, it was a misty day. Some of you, actually, were here with us in the room on that Accelerator and we were absolutely pumped to get started straight after. So what we decided to do was keep it easy and work with the previous Masterminder. So we did some joint ventures with Paul Preston, I don't think any of you all know him. We got some invaluable learnings and some mentoring and he also got us going in the right direction on our property journey.