So, how? This is the more important bit. This is really what I wanted to get across and share with you guys today, is how you can do it and how I can do it. Joint ventures is the way I chose to do it. I started from scratch, I was very, very good at it ... I've got a background, I wasn't very good at it, I've got a background in business, needed to get the knowledge, package deals, work with other people. Pay people for their knowledge. One of the first deals I did was with Dean and Mandy, the Sheffield [pin-hosts 09:47], they're package deal. I've never bought a house before, don't know about mortgages, don't know about brokers, these guys do. They're going to sell me a deal, I'll pay them three grand. In four weeks, I knew how to buy a house, I knew how to broker a house, I knew how to be an investor, I knew how to talk like an investor. They gave me everything I need.
Don't be afraid to pay people. Pay for the courses, pay for joint ventures. Don't be afraid to pay people for their ... Don't be afraid to charge people. When you've got that knowledge, don't be afraid to charge people for what you know, because if you don't charge them this time, they won't come to you next time, because you'll think they want it for free. Don't be afraid to charge people, don't be afraid to pay people.
Reason why, this is a huge, huge, huge one, why do you want to do this? Why do you want to it? What's your target? I bought into Mastermind for the target. Anyone who can achieve half of that is doing incredibly well. Mastermind is phenomenal, that is an incredible target. Anyone who can get anywhere near that is amazing. That inspires people. A year and half ago, I was sitting at a meal and sitting next to a guy, who I now know to be Gavin Barry, sitting next to him, having a few beers. We done [quaffing 10:47] and having a bit of a drink. Simon's up on stage, at this meal, and says, "The new record holder is £4 million profit in 90 pound ..." And this guy gets up, and goes and collects the thing. I thought, "This is a normal guy I've been sitting here chatting to. And he's done these results." I thought, "You, my friend, are incredible. That is the most amazing thing I've seen someone done. I'm up for that. I'm really, really up for some of that." I thought, "I can do that. If I educate myself, if I work hard, I'll get there"
Aspire to those people. It's so easy to stand there and look at them and say, they were given this. They were given this, they've got this, they've got that. I've not told you this, £500 of my own money in that [inaudible 00:11:25]. I lived in a rented flat before I started. Look at these people, that is good, that is where you want to be. Think, I'm going to aim for that. That is what I'm going for. Don't excuse why you're not doing that, look at what they've done, and say, these are normal people that are going to stand on there today. These are abnormal results.
Hard work and commitment. That's, hard work and commitment is it, guys. It's late nights, early mornings, missing birthdays, missing events, not seeing the people you want to see, that's the commitment you've got to put in. Take this for a caveat, that portfolio I've just shown you, that's not what normal people do. That's commitment, that is everything. I threw everything into this. Because I'm going for it. I'm have some of that going. I'd like some of that. I said, that is what I'm going for. I committed everything, late nights, early mornings, work, work, work. That's it. If you want to get half of this, or all of this, or a bit of that, take that as a precaution to what I'm going to show you now, because this is how you build it.